2010年6月17日 星期四

Dog choked, kicked and thrown, resulting in death


美國一位十九男子由於妒忌, 認為其二十一歲女朋友關心她的狗兒多於關心他, 因此他抓著狗兒使牠窒息, 又把牠摔在地上踢牠, 令牠最終死亡.



Incident Date: Saturday, Mar 7, 2009
County: Anne Arundel

Charges: Felony CTA
Disposition: Convicted

An Annapolis man was arrested Saturday after police said he killed his girlfriend's dog, city police said.

The 21-year-old woman told police her boyfriend had killed her 3- month-old rat terrier at their home on President Street at 2 a.m. The woman said she and her boyfriend were arguing.

The boyfriend told her he was going to kill the dog because the woman cared about it more than him, police said.

Then he grabbed the puppy, choked it, threw it to the ground and kicked it. The dog eventually died.

Donte W. McCreary, 19, of President Street, was charged with mutilating an animal and animal cruelty, police said.

He also was served with an open warrant for second-degree assault and reckless endangerment from a prior incident, according to reports.

Source: http://www.pet-abuse.com/cases/15740/MD/US/



無論對其他人還是對動物, 人類也會妒忌, 也會對他/牠們作出傷害.

這篇之中, 該男子認為女朋友關心狗兒多於關心他.
就像普世價值之中, 大家也會認為應該重視人多於重視其他生物.
可笑的是, 這篇中的男子那些行為, 又合乎作為"人"的行徑嗎?

不過, 值得反思的是, 現在有些人的確關心寵物更甚於關心其他人...
在香港, 不難發現身邊不少認識的人會把自己的寵物說成是自己的寶貝兒女.
我不是說不應該關心牠們, 只是覺得程度上應該要有分別而已.

不是因為牠們是貓是狗而我們是人, 而是生命價值的問題.
自我意識, 甚至對未來的計劃和腦部的發展程度等, 人類比牠們更為優勝.
因此, 正常情況之下, 人類應該比貓狗有更高的生命價值.
我們應該重視貓狗等寵物的生命價值, 去尊重牠們.
可是, 切勿因此把牠們看成比人類更為重要!

戲內說方舟空間有限, 所以盡量救的都是人,
除了每種動物都帶點之外, 空間都是留給人的.
但倘若(如果)將來人類真的面對大災難, 而我們發展到一個地步把寵物看成比正常人更重要的話, 後果真是不堪設想...
到時可能會對你說: 我們不打算救你, 因為要留空間給狗兒貓兒...那真是可悲的結果.

另外, 虐待動物的犯罪資料庫中, 看到不同國家, 與及五花八門的虐待動物手段...

1 則留言:

  1. jealousy is the major cause in this case, as a sensible human being, we should have better control on our emtions and any kind of actions
